HOW TO: Add a Filter and Cross-Section to my Scene

HOW TO: Add a Filter and Cross-Section to my Scene

Adding a Filter to my Scene

udStream supports cropping of your datasets via filters, with 4 pre-set shapes: Box, Sphere, Cylinder and Cross-Section

This is available as a Premium feature. For more information, contact us.
  1. Login to Client
  2. Load up your datasets or one of the sample udStream projects
  3. You can access the filtering tools either on the upper-left side of the Scene or through the shortcut keys:

    1. Box Filter (I)
    2. Sphere Filter (J)
    3. Capsule Filter (K)
  4. Once you've selected a filter, you will need to do the following:
    1. Click once to set the filter into scene. This will be the centre-point of your filter.
    2. You can resize the filter by dragging the mouse to and away from the centre-point

    3. For a Box filter, you can resize each side individually
    4. Once you've set the right size, click again to set it into scene
  5. The Filter object will appear in the Scene Explorer, from here you can make adjustments to Shape, Position and Size. You can also choose to Invert the Filter,
    which will cull everything inside the filter:

  6. You can also use the Gizmo tools in the upper-right portion to manually move and adjust the filter:

Adding a Cross-Section to my Scene

  1. Login to Client
  2. Load up your datasets or one of the sample udStream projects
  3. You can access the Cross-Section tool either on the upper-right side of the Scene  or through the shortcut key (O)
  4. Click once to set the  Cross-Section  into scene. This will be the centre-point of your  Cross-Section .
  5. You can resize by dragging the mouse to and away from the centre-point

  6. Once you've set the right size, click again to set it into scene
  7. The  Cross-Section  object will appear in the Scene Explorer, from here you can make adjustments to Shape, Position and Size. You can also choose to Invert the Filter,
    which will cull everything inside the  Cross-Section. 
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