HOW TO: Create a Single Annotation Point

HOW TO: Create a Single Annotation Point

Create a Single Annotation Point 

Create a Single Annotation Point – From the button or shortcut key

  1. Load a project/Import a dataset into the scene 

  1. Select the Single Annotation Point button from the vertical menu in the Scene window tools

  1. Move the mouse cursor to a point of interest, and Left-Click to place down a Single Annotation Point
TIP: The user can edit the Single Annotation Point’s details for e.g. Rename & also colours and sizing of text to display from within the Scene Description window.

Create a Single Annotation Point – Manually From within the Scene Window

  1. Load a project/Import a dataset into the scene

  1. Move the mouse cursor to an area of interest
  2. Right-Click on the dataset at that location (which will present a sub menu of options)
  3. From within the sub menu, select and choose “Add New Item” (Which will present a secondary extended sub menu)
  4. From the extended sub menu, Select “Add POI Here”
  5. A point of Interest will now be added to the dataset at that location
TIP: The user can edit the Single Annotation Point’s details for e.g. Rename & also colours and sizing of text to display from within the Scene Description window.

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