HOW TO: Hosting a Model on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

HOW TO: Hosting a Model on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Loading my Datasets in AWS

Creating a Bucket

This assumes that the User already has an existing AWS Admin Account
  1. Select S3 from this menu, then Select ‘Create Bucket’
  2. Next, upload the Converted .uds file to the bucket
  3. The Dataset should load directly into your scene 
  4. Once the file is successfully hosted, ensure permissions for the file are set to ‘Public’ 
This is not normal practice for hosting models in the cloud and may seem unusual as datasets can contain sensitive information, however the .uds file will still retain a level of security as it can only be opened and viewed in Euclideon software. If the file is not set to ‘Public’, it will not be possible for another user to stream the dataset from another location without giving this other user access to your Cloud Hosting service account.

CORS Settings Configuration

  1. Go to Permissions, and ensure Block Public Access is set to OFF
  2. Under Permissions, click on CORS Configuration
            "AllowedHeaders": [
            "AllowedMethods": [
            "AllowedOrigins": [
            "ExposeHeaders": []
  3. Next, select the uploaded file, and click ‘Overview’ to locate the Object URL link of the file. You can now load your model via the Object URL.
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