HOW TO: Load my Dataset

HOW TO: Load my Dataset

Loading my Dataset

This section will be split up into the 3 different ways you can load a supported Dataset into your Scene:

Method 1

  1. Login to Client
  2. Simply drag-and-drop the supported filetype directly onto the Client window
  3. The Dataset should load directly into your scene 
  4. The Scene Explorer can be hidden/show by using either the keyboard shortcut F4, or by clicking the Show/Hide Scene Explorer button
NOTE: You may need to double-click the model name in the Scene Explorer to locate your data

Method 2

  1. Login to Client
  2. Either click the Add UDS button in the Scene Explorer section. You may need to enable the Scene Explorer by pressing the shortcut F4 or clicking the Show/Hide Scene Explorer button, or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + U
  3. This will open the Add Scene Item window
  4. Click the ... button located to the left of the word Filename to open the Windows Open native dialog
  5. Locate the Dataset you wish to load into your scene and click the Open button
  6. Once back on the Add Scene Item window, click the Load button
  7. The Dataset should load directly into your scene
  8. The Scene Explorer can be hidden/show by using either the keyboard shortcut F4, or by clicking the Show/Hide Scene Explorer button
NOTE: You may need to double-click the model name in the Scene Explorer to locate your data

Method 3

  1. Using Windows, you can associate the supported filetypes directly with the Vault Client application
  2. Then you can simply double-click the file you wish to load from Windows
  3. You will still be required to Login using this method
  4. Once logged in, the Dataset should load directly into your scene
  5. The Scene Explorer can be hidden/show by using either the keyboard shortcut F4, or by clicking the Show/Hide Scene Explorer button
NOTE: You may need to double-click the model name in the Scene Explorer to locate your data

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