HOW TO: Markdown support for Project Information

HOW TO: Markdown support for Project Information

Adding Project Information and Markdown support

udStream supports markdown for Projects. Project Information shows up as a pop-up when loading a project.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements (including images and hyperlinks) to plaintext text. For more information refer to this guide (Links to an external site)
  1. Login to udStream
  2. Under Get Started, select Create New Scene

3.  Under Edit select Scene Settings

4. A pop-up editor will appear. You can add more information in this dialog box, including markdown code.
To add images to the Scene Description screen, you must first upload the image file (.jpg, .png) to a Cloud storage service, ie. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, then take note of the URL of the hosted image file. This URL is usually displayed in the hosted file information screen within your Cloud service interface. Then, in udStream, open the Project Information dialog box, and use the following syntax on a new line, without the " and ":
                  "![Text you want to show if image fails to load](URL Path of the hosted image file)"

Based on the above markdown syntax, the below image of the stadium will be loaded in the Project Information screen:

If for some reason, the image fails to load in udStream, the text "Image of Stadium" will appear in it's place:

Once done, you can Save the project via the Scene Profile Menu  and select Save a Copy.
  1. The next time you load the Project, the pop-up will appear:

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