HOW TO: Projects

HOW TO: Projects


Project and Project Information

Projects act as a repository for your files. You can create multiple projects in the same workspace. When creating a project, you can also set the Data Center Region:
  1. US West 2 - Washington
  2. Europe - Dublin
  3. Australia - Sydney
It is recommended that you set your Data Center Region closest to your location for optimum streaming speed.

Storage Tiers

udCloud offers two tiers for your files. Depending on your usage, it is important to set this based on what you plan to with the files.
  1. Hosted - Recommended for files that you have to use on demand. 
  2. Archive - Generally used for Raw files or files that won't be need immediately.
Keep in mind that Archived files require a certain amount of "thawing" time before it can be used. Therefore it is recommended to avoid sending files to Archive unless necessary.

Converting Files

udCloud's unique feature is the ability to convert supported file types to Unlimited Detail. This allows you to stream your 3D models into any udSDK supported viewers, including udStream.
Currently, we support the following files for conversion:
  1. las
  2. laz 
  3. pts 
  4. ptx 
  5. txt 
  6. csv 
  7. xyz 
  8. e57
  9. asc
  10. tif
  11. tiff
  12. ssf
  13. dxf
  14. dae
  15. slpk
The total file storage is computed based on the workspace and not per project.  

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