HOW TO: udStream Complexity slider
Complexity Slider: A Complete Guide

udStream 1.3 introduced the Complexity Slider, allowing users to determine which tools and features they can use
| Minimal
| Standard
| Advanced
Scene View
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Display Mode
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Lock Altitude
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Select Display Mode
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Fullscreen Mode
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Custom Input and Controls
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Select Default Units of Measurement
| Yes - Mouse only
| Yes - Mouse and Key Bindings
| Yes - Mouse and Key Bindings
On Screen Controls
| Yes
| Yes
| Yes
Camera Information
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Projection Information
| No
| Yes
| Yes
New Project
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Open Project
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Save Project
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Share Project
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Convert Window
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Scene Explorer
| No
| Yes
| Yes
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Gizmo Tools
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Visualisation Settings
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Map Settings
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Points of Interest (POI)
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Voxel Inspector
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Selection Tool
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Line Measurement Tool
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Area Measurement Tool
| No
| Yes
| Yes
Box Filter
| No
| No
| Yes
Sphere Filter
| No
| No
| Yes
Cylinder Filter
| No
| No
| Yes
| No
| No
| Yes
Section View
| No
| No
| Yes
| No
| No
| Yes

Advanced features require you to have at least a Premium account. For more information, contact
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