Converting my models to UDS
The real power of udStream lies in converting all Supported point cloud and 3D data types into our proprietary format - .uds. This conversion process takes raw, massive, unmanageable data and allows udStream to render thousands of terabytes in less than one second.
Conversion is usually a fast and easy process (udStream can convert up to 2 million points per second), however there are a few key settings to check first to ensure you get the best visualisation result.
And it is always good to remember, conversion can be done multiple times with different settings to get a better result.
Getting Started
1. Once logged into udStream, select the Convert button from the side vertical menu bar.
2. Click on the Create New Local Convert button
3. In the native Windows Dialog Box, locate your supported format Input File, select it and click Open. Alternatively, you can drag your raw point cloud or polygon model into this window.
4. Set your Output Name and its location
5. Set the location for your Temp Directory (Recommended to be a different drive than your Output file)
6. udStream will auto-detect some settings based on your Input File, so to begin with leave everything default and click the Quick Partial Convert box
IMPORTANT NOTE on Primitives for Converting OBJ models
OBJ polygon models contain textures, lines and polygon data (known as primitives) which when conveted to UDS can dramatically increase the file size of your result (even for small polygon file sizes).
If you are finding the result is taking up too much space, ensure that you untick this checkbox and Convert again.
Retaining primitives may improve the visual result of your conversion, however there are significant trade-off's invovled in time it will take you to convert and resulting file sizes.
Important Note: Euclideon does NOT recommend ticking this setting when converting OBJ models, unless you are specifically advised by a team member from Euclideon Support.
7. Click the Begin Conversion button
8. Once the conversion completes, you should see an Add to Scene button, click it
9. Close the Convert window via the Close button. You may need to double-click the model name in the Scene Explorer to locate your data. Examine your data in the Scene, if happy with your data re-open the Convert window. Click Reset, then uncheck the Quick Partal Convert box. At this point you can also change the Output Name if you like, or even add some Metadata
10. Once ready, click the Begin Conversion button
11. Once the Conversion completes again, click the Add to Scene button and Close the Convert window
12. Your data has now been converted to our UDS format and added to your Scene
TIP: The Scene Explorer can be Hidden/Shown by pressing the F4 keyboard shortcut